Siobhan Davis' Scared To Love Review!

Scared To Love

By: Siobhan Davis

Release Date: December 29, 2021

Publisher: Siobhan Davis

Author Website:

5 Stars

Siobhan Davis concludes her Mazzone Mafia trilogy with bold moves and tender moments for a fitting and memorable finale.

Life had been less than kind to Alessandro and Serena so their finding comfort in each other beyond their physical attraction came as a blessing and gift to their battered souls. Each bore the weight of abuse yet managed to live lives where they demonstrated kindness in the often cruel lifestyle they lived. Alessandro's seemingly infinite patience and ability to protect and love Serena unconditionally was as powerful as it was touching to watch. Serena coming into her own and tapping into her inner strength gave readers a heroine they could love right along with Alessandro. This couple's slow simmer was intense and perfectly played out. The twist this author is known for kept this story moving well and made for more than one suspenseful moment.

Siobhan Davis is such a versatile writer even while maintaining a singular writing voice. Her balance of action and the unexpected paired with intense emotions make reading her works an experience like no other. Scared to Love shows a multitude of Siobhan Davis' talents for a read that will leave her audience satisfied yet again with the magic of her storytelling.

*I was given an advanced copy. All opinions expressed are my own.**While loosely tied to the previous books in the Mazzone Mafia series this work can be read as a stand-alone. For an overall enhanced reading experience reading the previous books in this series first is suggested*

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