Siobhan Davis Forbidden To Love Review!

Forbidden To Love

By: Siobhan Davis

Release Date: September 30, 2021

Publisher: Siobhan Davis

Author Website:

5 Stars

Get your tissues ready as Siobhan Davis rips off the bandages again and again leaving gaping wounds bleeding emotions onto the pages like rivers of heartache and worthy of the Mafia world she portrays in Forbidden to Love. 

Natalia Mazzone was a Mafia principessa whose life was never meant to be her own, forget about who she gave her heart to. Loyal and deadly Leonardo Messina was a soldato and Natalia's brother's best friend, worthy enough to serve by her brother's side but not good enough for his sister. Theirs was a world tied to tradition where Natalia and Leo were never meant to act on their desire for each other. The longing they felt for each other was impossible to ignore and paved the way for their heartache as time and time again they were denied what they wanted most, each other. The pain and angst this couple experienced was full on Siobhan Davis. Never one to hold back this author threw one hurdle and twist after another at this pair. As duty and desire clashed in this work it propelled this story forward at a fast pace. Natalia and Leo were a couple that were destined to be together and readers will fall madly in love with them!

Siobhan Davis is a prolific writer but what stands out is her work always feels fresh and sparks excitement in her audience. Steeped in emotion it is a rare reader that does not choke up at some point when diving into this author's stories. Unexpected turns fill her books and the tension she builds is as exciting as it is nerve wracking. For an emotionally thrilling read you can't miss with Siobhan Davis and she hits the mark with Forbidden to Love!

*I was given an advanced copy. All opinions expressed are my own.*

*While loosely tied to Condemned to Love this work can be read as a stand-alone. For an overall enhanced reading experience reading Condemned to Love first is suggested*

Jenerated Reviews