L.A. Cotton These Dirty Lies Review!

These Dirty Lies

By: L.A. Cotton

Release Date: March 15, 2022

Publisher: Delesty Books

Author Website: https://www.lacotton.com/

5 Stars

With a past entwined history Nix and Harleigh fight a future determined to keep them apart and a love that is willing to risk defying it in These Dirty Lies book one of the Darling Hill Duet.

Nix and Harleigh were the kind of couple you could not help rooting for even as they fell into doubt over their bond through miscommunications. This was not an easy relationship as each experienced hardships that went beyond their years and often coping skills. Nix and Harleigh each held a fragility that resulted after years of battling to stay strong and it was this trait that made them honest and poignant in their interactions. The pain they felt and showed in their most broken moments was heartbreaking. This was not a light hearted story but full of harsh truths and tragic events.

L.A. Cotton gets her characters and that shows in her writing. She has an unique ability to see the troubled minds and hearts of her portrayals reaching beyond social and economic boundaries putting everyone on equal footing in their angst. These Dirty Lies is a story impossible not to get caught up in, the next installment of this story will not come fast enough for readers!

*I was given an advanced copy. All opinions expressed are my own.*
*This story is part of a duet and readers will have to read the second book for the conclusion.*

Jenerated Reviews